Letting Innocents Fall for Reelection

In a Press Conference requested and held within Jimmy Carter’s Cabinet, the committee showcased their true political skill when grilled about Afghanistan

Meeting Room, Washington D.C- The Cabinet of President Jimmy Carter had just a brief moment of peace before the International Press Corp stormed into their room to grill them on not only their domestic policies, but their international handlings as well. Events that have happened within the committee include constant inflation of both egg and gas prices, the fall of Afghanistan, and the massive drop in approval rating. The rating was at a steady 60% or higher just a night prior, but the cabinet attempted to hide their 21.24% rating from the Press. 

The President opened the floor to any and all questions, in which one IPC delegate asked the question of, “America is a trading country, and with the entire world watching what has unfolded in Afghanistan and letting the Soviets destroy and takeover the country, why hasn’t America admitted it failed in it’s international and domestic affairs?”

A member of the cabinet responded by explaining a paper titled, “MOBAMBA,” which aimed to lower the prices of eggs and gas on the domestic front. But in a shocking twist, the same delegate revealed that after the fall of Afghanistan, the U.S had started to send funds and aid to other Middle Eastern countries such as Pakistan. 

This brought about another question from a different IPC delegate, who asked, “So to repeat a delegate themselves, ‘the Soviets and Russia are our biggest enemies,’ so what caused you to not send any aid or soldiers into Afghanistan despite your enemies killing thousands of innocents?”

Silence fell upon the committee, and Jimmy Carter gave a look of fear to his Cabinet, waiting for a justification for their actions. A delegate responded by stating they were attempting to avoid war and conflict with Russia in an attempt to keep the U.S civilians safe and out of the war, that they were focused more on the domestic front than helping Afghanistan until America was ready to fight back. 

The IPC delegates began to notice a pattern, a politicians response to the questions asked that could potentially ruin the reelection campaign of their beloved Jimmy Carter, blaming the lack of a Secretary of State (who they fired) on what has been happening, alongside trying to gain the trust and reputation of their citizens. 

Jimmy Carter’s fall from grace appears to be one for the history books, with a record low 21.24% approval rating despite the cabinet's apparent attempts to gain the trust of civilians.

Written by IPC Delegate Jack Maloney