By: Quinn Riordan
Weather Report:
Snowing with a chance of death
- 63.4 degrees
Hail (around the size of a bowling ball)
Ice (creating a glorified skating rink on campus)
Wind (strong enough to power the entire universe)
A nice day? In Ann Arbor? That doesn’t happen. The conference has been filled with walking a total of 500 miles in temperatures as cold and evil Jack Frost (or Nolan), all while wearing heels and tights. As our legs turn into icicles on the un-ending walk to Palmer Commons, we all contemplate the existence of the sun at all. As the snow accumulates to be taller than the buildings, the delegates slip and slide all about. As MUNUM continues, I can hardly remember what the sun looks like. I watch delegates walk into their committee sessions from the dark outside, dripping from the hail-rain mix with snow on their feet, and wonder how the outside used to be. The green on the trees and the grass, the animals running about, a blue sky. It all fades so quickly. Now, I can only see the white of the snow and feel the cold wind on my neck. The summer seems to be a dream but winter is here, and with it, possibly a new Game of Thrones finale, but most likely just the cold and tears.