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¡Viva La Revolución!

By: Bella Kephart

After hundreds of years under Spanish control, the Mexican Revolution committee has finally passed a Constitution for its free nation. Focusing on basic human rights, this new constitution is paving the way for a strong, independent government with ample checks and balances. While the process of true independence is only beginning, the former tyrannical Spanish system has crumbled.

This crucial and foundational document includes clauses regarding due process, freedom of expression, and restored property rights for the Mexican people. Above all, this Constitution abolishes the caste system that dictated Mexican society. This caste system was comprised of four classes: the Peninsulares, or those directly descended of the Iberian Peninsula; the Criollos, or those of nearly pure Iberian descent; the Mestizos, or those of mixed descent; and the Indigenous peoples at the very bottom. In abolishing this caste system, Mexico is heading into the future as a united body, with a clear vision for creating a nation free of imperialistic influence. 

Due to the crucial nature of the caste system clause, a significant amount of time was devoted to its specific wording, much to the dismay of Hermenegildo Galeana, the Constitution’s main sponsor. However, after a heated debate over the nature of the ambiguity of the clause, it was finally cemented, and the rest of the document with it. It was then passed with a unanimous vote, much to the elation of the committee. “[The Constitution] is pretty clear-cut in terms of letting everyone have an equal opportunity,” commented Ben Venus, representing Alejandro del Toro. “Although there is no official government yet, [we are] very hopeful for the plans we have in place.”