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The Five Archetypes of Model UN

By: Bella Kephart

Each year, Model UN conference brings a plethora of new experiences, interesting committees, and unique groups of delegates. Even so, there are unmistakable archetypes that can be found at every conference. Here are a few examples. 

#1: The Gavel-Chasers

Welcome to the world of the binder-people. The scary people. The stay-up-until-three-in-the-morning-writing-speeches people. Gavel-chasers are in it to win it. They dominate every caucus, develop the most complex character arcs, and usually talk the most out of anyone. You can be sure that you’ll leave committee every day wondering what you’ve been doing with your life. Gavel-chasers are to be admired; they are the civil officers of the future, the lawyers, the activists. They’re going places. Plus, they are the life-blood of Model UN; gavel-chasers keep each committee session going. But for now, they’re just the ones throwing directives in your face and winning everything. Watch out for these delegates. Or else.

#2: The Slackers

When does committee start? How long until we can go get food? Wait, what country am I? If you’ve heard any of these questions on a frequent basis, they are most likely coming from the mouth of a Slacker. These delegates can be super fun to be around, but you can be sure that they haven’t written a position paper in advance or even read their background guide. Slackers are mostly just here to have fun-- to get dressed up, to walk around the city with Starbucks, and meet new people. If you ask, they’ll probably sign your directive or working paper-- just know they aren’t going to read it. 

#3: The Nappers

You guessed it. These are the delegates that sleep through EVERYTHING. Committee, meals, you name it. You can spot Nappers in their natural habitat, which seems to be everywhere. In the back row of a General Assembly, at a random table in the corner, or even on the floor. Don’t bother waking them up-- chances are they have been out for a while and have no idea what’s going on. But while coming to a conference just to sleep through it may seem lame, you have to recognize the talent it takes to doze off in the middle of a heated unmod. Serious props.

#4: The Newbies

Hello, dear little Model UN babies. Welcome to the terrifying world of overachieving high schoolers. It’s all going to be okay. When you see a Newbie, consider giving them a hug. Coming to a conference for the first time is the equivalent of jumping into a pit of fruit bats... that’s on fire. Although Newbie delegates may seem like the most terrified delegates of all, they are really the bravest. You got this, Newbies. 

#5: The Ones Who Bring the Flags

This fifth category encapsulates a wide variety of special snowflakes. Yes, delegates who fall in this category often do bring actual flags to committee, but also elaborate costumes, pins, and a generally disruptive aura. These people are here to wreak havoc, y’all. Often, delegates who Bring the Flags are actually some of the smartest delegates in the room. But you wouldn’t know it, because they’re the ones drafting directives about how they’re going to consolidate the middle third of the world into the Mega-East and breed silkworms to generate revenue, or how they’re going to eliminate a global superpower using nothing but an army of locusts, or anything along those lines. These people are straight-up weird, but they make things interesting. Flag-Bringers, you are strange. But we appreciate you.

No matter what category you fall into, or if you don’t fit into one of these categories at all, each delegate that comes to Model UN is valuable and necessary to make these conferences possible. Together, we can learn how to improve the world we live in for the benefit of everyone. Let’s do this.