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Party, Party, Party

By: Allison Gerth

Last night the delegate dance took place at the Kensington Hotel. After a full day of committee and debate, the delegates were ready to have fun with their friends and change out of their professional-wear. The night was filled with music, dancing, and many people having a fun time. While there were complaints about the DJ and his choice in music, people still danced t and enjoyed themselves. 

At one point in the night, all of the delegates stopped dancing and started to sit down. A delegate who was at the dance stated that “we aren’t dancing to this cause the music is bad. We want the DJ to play good music.'' 

The staffers also enjoyed themselves during the dance as they did small dances with the other chair members on the outskirts of the room. Aside from the complaints about the music, numerous delegates and chairs had a great time at the MUNUM XXXIII delegate dance. Overall, it was successful and everyone able to relax and enjoy themselves with their friends after a long day of committee sessions.